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Format: Hardcover
Old Testament Editor: Currid, John
New Testament Editor: Chapman, David
Currid, John (Genesis-Deuteronomy, Articles)
Ortiz, Steven (Joshua-Ruth)
McDowell, Catherine (1 Samuel-2 Chronicles)
Geraty, Lawrence (Ezra-Esther)
Adams, David (Job-Song of Solomon)
Seevers, Boyd (Isaiah-Daniel)
Chavalas, Mark (Hosea-Malachi)
Wright, Paul (Matthew-Luke, Articles)
Chapman, David (John, Hebrews-Jude, Articles)
Wilson, Mark (Acts, Revelation)
Davis, Thomas (Romans-Philemon)
Beitzel, Barry (Article)
Herr, Larry (Article)
Hess, Richard (Article)
Mattingly, Gerald (Articles)
Publisher: Crossway
Publication Year: 2018
ISBN-13: 9781433550409
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