Writing Center Home

Detailed Submission Guidelines for Written Work:

  • Payments can be received online or through the physical bookstores on the Charlotte and Hamilton campuses. 
  • Students should pay for all double-spaced pages that have text (even incomplete pages), but exclude title pages and bibliographies. 
  • All payments + Writing Assistance Request forms must be received at least 3 full days (72 hours) before feedback is required for a written text. 
  • If the 72-hour window ends on a Sunday, feedback will be provided the following Monday because the Writing Center staff does not work on Sundays.
  • If the paper is 15 (or more) pages long, then feedback will require extra time. Please contact the Writing Center prior to submitting this type of request to confirm the turnaround time for longer papers.
  • Students can choose revision and/or editing services for each request for writing support. But if a student desires both services for a written text at the same time, then he/she would still pay for the text two times, once for revision and once for editing.
  • Pre-payments (for future assignments) cannot be accepted.


Editing involves detailed, sentence-by-sentence feedback on grammar, spelling, punctuation, word choice, and writing style. *Note that editing does not include specific feedback on formatting.
(Servicio disponible en español también.)


Revision involves detailed feedback on "big picture" ideas in a written text, such as: introductions, thesis statements, paragraph development, organization & cohesion, transitions, integration of research, analysis, conclusions, and even visual appeal.
(Servicio disponible en español también.)

Live Consultations

After purchasing a live consultation, please contact the Writing Center at WritingCenter@gordonconwell.edu to set up a date and time for the live consultation. Note that if the consultation takes less time than expected, the full price will still be charged since the time slot has been set apart for your meeting. Furthermore, note that live consultations are conducted in a Q & A format. Students must bring specific questions about their text to the meeting, which will then be answered by the Writing Center tutor.
(Servicio disponible en español también.)